The Fluoride Deception, a book by award winning investigative reporter Christopher Bryson, contains an impressive amount of research to demonstrate fluoride’s harmfulness, the ties between leading fluoride researchers and the corporations who funded and benefited from their research.
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Reviews of The Fluoride Deception
The Fluoride Deception
by Christopher Bryson
with a foreword by Dr. Theo Colborn
Seven Stories Press, May 2004
"Bryson marshals an impressive amount of research to demonstrate fluoride’s harmfulness, the ties between leading fluoride researchers and the corporations who funded and benefitted from their research, and what he says is the duplicity with which fluoridation was sold to the people. The result is a compelling challenge to the reigning dental orthodoxy, which should provoke renewed scientific scrutiny and public debate." - PUBLISHERS WEEKLY
"The arguments have raged for more than forty years, and in The Fluoride Deception, Christopher Bryson raises the stakes by reporting a great deal of relevant and often alarming research, and by telling a series of human stories... [A] thought-provoking and worthwhile book." - NATURE, "A Chemical Conspiracy?" March 17, 2005
"'The Fluoride Deception' reads like a whodunit. There are conspiracies, cover-ups, human casualties, and broken careers. The prime suspects in this toxic thriller are compounds of fluoride; the coconspirators represent industry, the military, and the public health community. At the book's ending, the suspect chemicals are not proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, but we are left with compelling evidence that powerful interests with high financial stakes have colluded to prematurely close honest discussion and investigation into fluoride toxicity." - CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS, "Is Fluoride Really All that Safe?", August 16, 2004. (Read full review)
"The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson, just published in the US, examines the background of the fluoridation debate. Bryson, who has had the advantage of access to recently declassified files, concludes that fluoridation is a triumph not of medical science but of US government spin.'" - THE GUARDIAN, "A Kick in the Teeth", June 8, 2004
"The Fluoride Deception points to the suppression of medical information, the sacking of experts who found damaging evidence of potentially nasty side-effects that governments didn't want to hear and a powerful political lobby that grasped fluoridation as a cheap means of mass medication." - IRISH INDEPENDENT, "Teething Trouble", June 22, 2004
"In much the same way biologist Rachel Carson warned us over forty years ago in Silent Spring about the havoc and harm being caused by the misuse of persistent pesticides, journalist Christopher Bryson here lays bare the secret story and hidden dangers of the introduction of fluoride chemicals from the cold war era into our drinking water. The Fluoride Deception presents a scorching indictment of how researchers and health care officials working closely with government agencies, big industry, and their attorneys have allowed themselves to surrender their responsibility for the medical well-being of their fellow citizens." - DR. ALBERT W. BURGSTAHLER, former president of the International Society for Fluoride Research and Emeritus Professor of Organic Chemistry, University of Kansas
"The Fluoride Deception compellingly and inescapably exposes the murderous fraud that heads of state and industry have for decades perpetrated on an innocent public. Extremely well written and tightly researched, The Fluoride Deception is sure to become the 'must read' book in this important and burgeoning field." - DERRICK JENSEN, author of The Culture of Make Believe and A Language Older Than Words
"Bryson is right on in his emphasis on the ineffectiveness of fluoridation of water with industrial wastes, and its risks of nerve and brain damage, and cancer, coupled with the long-standing industrial conspiracy to suppress this information." - DR. SAM EPSTEIN, Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition and Professor Emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, University of Illinois School of Public Health
"Bryson has done some excellent research here. The book has Pulitzer Prize written all over it. He has taken things of which many of us were already aware, but added the crucial details, dotted all the i's, crossed all the t's. It is a sickening tale of industrial and governmental collusion to conceal from the public the dangers of fluoride pollution generated by so many industries as well as the nuclear program... No environmental activist with an ounce of intelligence or integrity could read this book and not be appalled.
The Fluoride Deception should become the basic text for those who would insist that science and integrity should inform public policy and that regulators should serve the public not the polluters." DR. PAUL CONNETT, Executive Director, Fluoride Action Network.
About the Author Christopher Bryson
CHRISTOPHER BRYSON is an award winning investigative reporter and a television producer. He covered Guatemalan Army human rights abuses from Central America in the late 1980's for the BBC World Service, National Public Radio and The Atlanta Constitution. In 1989 he was part of an investigative team that won a George Polk Award and Sidney Hillman Prize with Jonathan Kwitny at Public Television's The Kwitny Report. In 1999 he won a Project Censored award with medical writer Joel Griffiths.