Minister Annette Kings' Deceit of "Public Safety" - Public safety was the cry being used as the justification for The Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill. One presumes then that there must have been an ongoing safety problem in the natural products industry? The facts are in stark contrast to Minister Annette King's statement on Television and Radio that there had been three deaths.

Read more: HFNZ Rebuttle to Annette King

Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill Obsolete - Therapeutics Products and Medicines Bill on hold - After many years of lobbying and campaigning by the Natural Health Industry and the consumer driven Health Freedom Campaign, on 16th July 2007 the then Labour led Government Minister Annette King announced that it is not proceeding with legislation that would have enabled the establishment of ANZTPA, a joint agency with Australia to regulate therapeutic products.

Read more: Anti-Vitamin Bill - Current Status

In 2003 a Joint Agency Treaty was signed in 2003 by the New Zealand Health Minister, Annette King, and Trish Worth, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health and Aging in Australia. The Treaty is an agreement to bring in to being a trans-Tasman agency called ANZTPA - Australian New Zealand Therapeutic Products Agency. The new agency would do away with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (in theory at least) and MedSafe, the New Zealand regulator.

Read more: History of the Anti-Vitamin Bill

The Anti-Vitamin Bill is a term given to The Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill introduced to the New Zealand Parliament in 2005 by the then Health Minister, Annette King. This legislation, if passed, would have ratified the Joint Agency Treaty signed in 2003 by Minister King and Trish Worth, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health and Aging in Australia.

Read more: Anti-Vitamin Bill

One of our members received a misleading letter from the Health Minster that said "you write that there has not been a death caused by vitamins and minerals in the last 20 years. CARM (Center for Adverse Reactions Monitoring) has recorded three deaths where a CAM (Complementary or Alternative Medicine) may have contributed to or caused the outcome."

Read more: Minister of Health Makes Strange Claims

You may not be aware that Medsafe, the regulator of prescription drugs, are waging a witch hunt against the natural health industry; raiding health food and sports supplement stores, confiscating products and demanding website owners take down information, or links to information that suggests any kind of therapeutic use.

Essentially, Medsafe are trying to silence the natural health industry, denying the public access to information about safe natural products and what we are now calling "hippocratic medicine".

Read more: MedSafe Steps Up Witch Hunt In Natural Health Industry

"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship...denying equal privileges. All such laws are un-American and despotic..." Benjamin Rush, Physician, Signer of Declaration of Independence. That time has arrived in New Zealand. Medicine is organizing itself into an undercover dictatorship.

Read more: MedSafe Declare Silent War on Natural Health Practitioners...
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