It is an unfortunate truth that powerful and influential individuals responsible for our healthcare industry often put profit before healing. HFNZ believe that an increase in consumer awareness will lead to the changes most desperately needed in this area. Read more

The following is a true account of how a rogue bureaucracy, Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), can bring down a publicly listed company for no legitimate reason and get away with it. This event serves as a warning to all consumers that our health rights are under threat by such regulators and demonstrates the need for tighter regulations and accountability of the regulators themselves. No story more clearly illustrates why there is a need for consumer watchdogs and action groups to monitor the behaviour regulators worldwide to ensure that bureaucrats do not encroach on our freedom of choice and health freedom rights.

Read more: Pan Pharmaceuticals Debacle

It is an unfortunate truth that powerful and influential individuals responsible for our healthcare industry often put profit before healing. HFNZ believe an increase in consumer awareness will lead to the changes most desperately needed in this area.

This section of our website is dedicated to raising awareness of some of the extraordinary circumstances that have led many to join the global campaign calling for paradigm changes to the western approach of treating illness. It is also dedicated to those who have suffered through faith in a government supported paradigm of healthcare based on symptom suppression using synthetic pharmaceutical drugs which is backed by corporate interests.

We encourage you to become aware of these issues and share them with your family and friends to help contribute to the growing change in consciousness now occurring in the way we think about healthcare.

Drug company Bayer dumps Vaccine on overseas markets after it is banned from the US for being infected with the Aids virus. This story was also reported in the New York Times as being ''the most incriminating internal pharmaceutical industry documents I have ever seen'' by Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe, director of the Public Citizen Health Research Group who was investigating the industry's practices for three decades. The following video clip is an interview of what happened.

Read more: Bayer Ignores Aids in Vaccine