Welcome to
Health Freedom

Defending the consumers right to make their own healthcare choices.

The NZ Natural Health Products Bill

Read about the history of this controversial bill which lead to the founding of HFNZ.

HFNZ is opposed to fluoridation of NZ's water supply.

You can read our position statement and learn more about this outdated practice.


Review our information on vaccines, their content, history and science.

Safe Food

Health Freedom were vocal when the Government was considering the introduction of Folic Acid into our bread, see our objections here.

Codex Alimentarius

Few are aware of this global initiative, bad science equals bad law.

Healthcare Misadventure

It is an unfortunate truth that powerful and influential individuals responsible for our healthcare industry often put profit before healing.

About Health Freedom NZ

Welcome to Health Freedom

Health Freedom New Zealand is a Charitable Trust established in 2009 as a people's rights advocacy, education and action forum dedicated to upholding and protecting the people's right to self-determination and freedom of choice to make their own healthcare decisions.

We are involved in a number of educational campaigns, both nationally and internationally, on issues including Water Fluoridation, Codex Reform, GE Free and Safe Food, as well as our on going activities to uphold and protect the people's rights to make their own healthcare choices.

This educational website is funded exclusively through the donations of helpful people like you, so please feel free to donate, a little or a lot it matters not, everything is gratefully appreciated.

Please join us and register for your monthly Newsletter to remain informed on important Health Freedom information, and please feel free to browse the site for information relevant to your healthcare.

Our Campaigns

Find Out More About Our Campaigns By Clicking On The Links Below.

Natural Health Products Bill

The Natural Health Products bill is the name given to The Therapeutic Products and Medicines Bill introduced to the New Zealand Parliament in 2005 by the then Health Minister, Annette King. This legislation, if passed, would have ratified the Joint Agency Treaty signed in 2003 by Minister King and Trish Worth, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health and Aging in Australia.

Water Fluoridation

HFNZ is opposed to the mandatory fluoridation of New Zealands water supply. Click below to read our objections to this outdated practice and our reasoning for it.


The vaccine debate is a difficult issue to grapple with, and usually most relevant for parents raising children. Health Freedoms position is pro-choice for vaccination, provided in an environment of balanced information and non-biased scientific fact.

Safe Food

Health Freedom are active in a number of areas on the issue of Safe Food. We were vocal when the National Government was considering the introduction of Folic Acid into our daily bread, you can read our page detailing our objections by clicking Read more.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission

The Codex Alimentarius Commission does not folllow a democratic process of decision making and the New Zealand representation has no voting rights, yet as an OECD nation we will be expected to live by it's rules.

Healthcare Misadventure

It is an unfortunate truth that powerful and influential individuals responsible for our healthcare industry often put profit before healing. HFNZ believe an increase in consumer awareness will lead to the changes most desperately needed in this area.

  • Natural Health Products Bill
  • Water Fluoridation
  • Vaccines
  • Safe Food
  • The Codex Alimentarius Commission
  • Healthcare Misadventure

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